


Learn to
Love Yourself



Feel Excited about Your Relationship Again

Virtual + In-Person Therapy in NYC

Call or text to set up a free 30 minute consultation at 718-928-5230.

Zoom or in-person sessions are available.

Hi, I’m Dan! A formerly harsh self-critic, and Star Wars nerd, with 30 years of experience as a PhD Clinical Psychologist.

As a formerly harsh self-critic, I know how it feels to feel bad about yourself.

Every time I “failed”, I would go into a spiral of shame and self-judgment that would leave me paralyzed and depressed.

Even a small thing like forgetting to send an email would send me into feelings of self-criticism and worthlessness.

To cope, I used addictive behaviors to distract myself and numb myself out.

I felt helpless, and didn’t know how to change.

Through therapy, I learned to love myself while still working towards my goals – and my life profoundly changed.

I realized that my emotional pain wasn’t just about what was going on – it was about how I judged myself for it.

Therapy gave me strategies to be more compassionate with myself, and to see things objectively.

It gave me tools to be happier, more consistently.

And it gave me the confidence to know I can bounce back, even when times are tough.

I look forward to helping you!


  • I’m nerdy! I’m a geography geek and I speak three languages - Spanish, Hebrew, and English.
  • I’m a huge Star Wars and the Lord of the Rings fan. I own 40 Star Wars books, and I’ve memorized not just the Fellowship of the Ring Characters, but also the more obscure characters in it!
  • I’m a hippo (at heart).
  • I’m a mountaineer. I’ve climbed up to almost 23,000 feet in the Andes, as well as Kilimanjaro, Everest Base Camp, etc.
  • I love Karaoke. My favorite songs to sing are Purple Rain (by Prince) and Shine (by Collective Soul.)

“There will always be someone who can’t see your worth.

Don’t let it be you.”

– Mel Robbins   

My approach to therapy is warm, compassionate, and gentle.

My style is informal, active, collaborative, and highly supportive.
At the same time, I gently point out clients’ blind spots and challenge them to take the actions they need in order to grow.

I won’t judge you, “fix” you, or put you in a box.

Instead of focusing on flaws, I respect the ways in which your mind, body, and spirit have adapted to cope with difficult past circumstances.

I believe in you!

I approach therapy with optimism and hope, because I believe everyone can heal and grow.

I blend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindful Self-Compassion.

Here’s a basic overview of the therapeutic techniques I use:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is one of the most well-studied types of therapy, with over 50 years of proven success for a broad range of life difficulties.

CBT helps decrease emotional pain by restructuring the way you’re thinking about yourself and others.

Through CBT, I’ll help you learn how to identify incorrect or unhelpful thoughts, and replace these negative thoughts with more positive, balanced ways of thinking.

Mindful Self Compassion

Mindful Self-Compassion helps you shift how you relate to difficult thoughts and feelings, taking a non-judgmental, receptive, and kind approach towards yourself.

Through practicing Mindful Self-Compassion, you’ll learn how to:

  • Forgive yourself
  • Be kinder to yourself
  • Soothe and comfort yourself when you’re in pain
  • Motivate yourself through encouragement, not criticism
  • Bounce back faster  
  • Experience deep self-love, even when times are tough

Call or text to set up a free 30 minute consultation at 718-928-5230.

Zoom or in-person sessions are available.


I hold a PhD in Clinical Psychology, and have completed numerous trainings in Mindful Self-Compassion and Cognitive Therapy.

  • Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Ohio University, Athens, OH
    APA Approved Program
  • M.S. Clinical Psychology, Ohio University, Athens, OH
  • B.A. Psychology, cum laude, Williams College, Williamstown, MA
  • Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), Centre for Mindfulness Studies, Toronto, 2020
  • Cognitive Therapy for Adults & Teens with Addiction Problems, IAHB Dr. David Burns, OR, 2014
  • T.E.A.M. Cognitive Therapy Intensive, Jack Hirose Assoc, Dr. David Burns, Vancouver, 2013
  • Member of the American Psychological Association (APA)

30 Years of Clinical Experience.


I turned my life around.

When I first started seeing Dr. Cohen, I felt completely lost and overwhelmed, and my life was in disarray. I was struggling to cope with my problems and my emotions. I felt chronically sad, anxious, and angry. And I was experiencing extreme fatigue and exhaustion.

Dr. Cohen helped me learn how to take care of myself and take control of my life and my emotions. He helped me to turn my life around and I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking a caring and knowledgeable therapist.


I built a strong foundation for happiness.

When I first met Dr. Cohen, I was a bit skeptical whether therapy would help me. I had gone through a difficult breakup and was navigating career changes during the pandemic, so my confidence and self-image were low.

With his help, I built a strong foundation for happiness through healthy activities and socializing. I got a better job and I moved to a better neighborhood. Looking back, I never would’ve imagined feeling as good as I do today and I still frequently use his strategies. I’m truly grateful for Dr. Cohen’s helping hand during my time of need.

Frank C.

I feel hopeful and more confident. A lot less anxiety.

Before therapy, the uncertainty of where our relationship was going was my main source of life stress. The feeling that nothing I tried with her was working left me feeling powerless and hopeless.
Now, we feel hopeful.

There’s relief in knowing that there are steps forward, as opposed to having a lot of anxiety, uncertainty and feeling helpless as to what to do about it.

We’re better at seeing the other person, and we do a much better job of having our needs be fulfilled. I feel more confident going forward, knowing that we have tools we can use. And there’s a lot less anxiety around the relationship itself.

Geoff P.

I felt completely lost. Now, I’m thriving like never before.

When I started seeing Dr. Cohen, I felt completely lost. I was struggling with PTSD and depression. I was angry with myself, and I felt a lot of shame and guilt about being different. My relationship was failing, and I didn’t want to lose my partner.

All I saw was struggles and dead ends.

Now, I’m thriving.

My relationship with my partner improved, and I learned how to grow from my pain rather than regress into self-destructive behaviors to cope.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m more optimistic and confident than ever before.


I’m excited about my relationship again.

When we starting working with Dr. Dan, we weren’t communicating for a couple months. I had broken up with my partner; we were living apart and taking a full break from communication. There was a lot of bitterness and feeling trapped.

Since seeing Dr. Dan, communication has improved so much. Therapy created a space for us to slow down, and to give ourselves and each other a voice. We’re living together again and able to love and support each other a lot better now. And I’m excited about our relationship.

Andrea B.

Helped my husband and I through a tough time in our marriage.

Dr. Dan helped my husband and I through a tough time in our marriage. We came through therapy so much happier and we both still use the strategies he taught us.

My husband wasn’t too comfortable going to a therapist, but Dr. Dan’s style was so easygoing that it was not a problem at all. If you need help in your relationship, go see him, you’ll be happy you did!

Tracy M.

Call or text to set up a free 30 minute consultation at 718-928-5230.

Zoom or in-person sessions are available.

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New York, NY (Riverdale)